Already offering several levels of of support, our laboratory now offers you to prototype your formula!

From development to regulation, including GMP implementation and assistance in setting up factories and laboratories, GBC offers a complete service in the cosmetic industry for various clients: from indie brands to international groups. Now, this expertise leads us to the creation of GBF, Global Beauty Factory, the semiindustrial division of GBC. GBF proposes you to prototype your formula from 50 units. This new service has two main objectives :
- The test of a formula with your entourage, your community to validate all the sensory, organoleptic or even marketing aspects of a project before launching the final product ; in other words, the possibility of questioning a restricted target in order to make certain crucial choices for the success of your project. The assurance for the customer to choose the right formula. One more step towards success !
- The manufacturing of a small series in real industrial conditions to validate an industrial transposition or to put forward application formulas to raw material or packaging suppliers…
The equipment of Global Beauty Factory
- A 50 m² pilot room
- A vacuum mixer of 25 L
- A semi-automatic bottle filling machine (with hot pouring)
- A semi-automatic filling machine for plastic tubes
- A labelling and wrapping machine
- An inkjet coder
- A double belt conveyor

The strength of an ecosystem
A long-established network allows us to advise you according to your different needs in terms of packaging, silk-screening or printing. Thanks to our knowledge of the cosmetics industry, we are now able to meet all the challenges that make it up. Small quantities, reduction of production time or complete and personalized follow-up, just like for GBC, GBF is committed to meeting all your needs.
Our other services
We understand your requirements, and implement a step-by-step process to create your cosmetic products. Our know-how allows us to develop all kinds of products: skin care, makeup, hygiene, hair care, sun care and perfume.
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We have your products tested by independent laboratories and toxicologists and we prepare the Product Information File (PIF), testifying to the fact that each product complies with the intended markets.
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Quality – GMP
We work with you on the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), to ensure regulatory compliance with regulations governing the field of cosmetics.
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Factory and laboratory creation
We provide our scientific and technical support for the creation of your laboratories and/or cosmetic production facilities.
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Brand creator help
Do you want to create your own brand? Here is all you need to know to develop a product that reflects your personality... let’s get started !
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